Thursday, July 24, 2014


From time to time I get to help people that are making a big move. Sometimes it is their job relocating them to another state. Sometimes it is family. Sometimes it is just a need for change or some other attraction to another location. Whatever it is, I always have a slight tinge of jealousy.

I like trying new places. We moved to Atlanta for one year and I loved the challenge of learning a new place,  making new friends, exploring, etc. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE where I live and, especially now with family, don't intend on moving somewhere else. Even so, I would love to try some different places, if only for a short-long term (like 6 months or something). I would love to live in a big city like New York or Chicago. I would love to live somewhere "paradisey" like in the Caribbean. I would love to live somewhere super historic like Rome or London. I would love to live somewhere totally laid back too like Northern California. I would also love to try somewhere totally remote--Montana or in the desert in New Mexico or Arizona. I know it will likely not ever happen that I get to actually live in all these places but it is nice to dream.

What about you? You may love where you live (I know I do) but where else, if given the opportunity, would you want to live or at least "try out" on a semi-long term basis?

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Under 200K in Smyrna

Hello Everyone! I have been searching for homes in Smyrna under $200,000 and though they are going quickly I found a couple of great ones left! Take a look at what I found!

106 Springfield Dr
2,156 sq ft
3 bed, 2.5 bath

1,939 sq ft
3 bed, 2 bath

2,381 sq ft
3 bed, 2.5 bath

Thursday, July 17, 2014


Got a little note from someone at church today that saw something good I was doing that I did not expect anyone to see. The note basically said, "thanks for all you do, you are valuable and I noticed." Nothing terribly flowery or overly poetic. Nothing too mushy. Nothing long winded. It was short and to the point and the point was, I saw you doing something great and wanted to thank you for it. It was one of the nicest notes I've received in a long time.

Now don't misunderstand, I am not fishing for a compliment or wanting people to see how great I am or anything like that. I am commenting more on the person that A) noticed someone doing something great behind the scenes and then B) took the time to tell them about it. It's rare. I want to be that person. I want to notice people when they don't necessarily want to be noticed and I want to be the person that takes the time to tell them. But, of course, like so many of us, I have excuses. I am too busy, I am too tired. I don't know that person. Blah, blah, blah. Bottom line, I am too selfish. If I want to do that, it is a noble cause--one worth undertaking. I should do it. You should too.

It doesn't have to be something as complicated as a note. Try noticing the checkout person at Kroger. Try noticing the bank teller. Try noticing the person at Hardee's. Tell them thank you and mean it. They can tell. Try noticing your kids. Try noticing the neighbor kids or the church kids. When they are well behaved, tell them so. If they say something intelligent, tell them you are impressed. Take the time to be an encourager. You never know when people will truly need it.

Thursday, July 10, 2014


Last week Cindy and the kids and I went to Canada with another family from church and 6 college kids. We went up to a lovely place called Vineland, Ontario to help some other friends of ours with their church's VBS (they call it Bible Day Camp). It was a fantastic trip. I was able to unplug from work a bit (I only worked about 10 hours last week instead of my normal 70-80).

One thing that happened though, that I did not expect, was the difficulty I had staying connected. I knew that my cell carrier would charge extra for service but I did not expect to have a tough time getting to a WiFi hotspot that was reliable. The dorm we stayed in did not have it. The church we spent a lot of time at had WiFi but it was SLOW. There was one cafe that had a reliable connection but we could only get there super early in the morning or later at night. I am used to being connected constantly. When I first realized the situation, I was pretty freaked out--"What am I going to do? The world is going to melt down!! All my clients are going to fire me!!"

Then I took a deep breath and realized Taylore is competent and will be able to handle most things. Not to mention that a lot of the "emergencies" in my life can wait a few hours. I started to calm down. Then I started to have fun. It was so relieving to unplug and disconnect for a while.

After getting back home, I realized just how important it is to do that from time to time. Part of the problem is ego, I had to realize that I am not important enough that people would miss me during a 24 hour stint. Another part is that I started telling people about it a few weeks before so the expectation was set that I may not be overly reachable. Finally, I had someone to back me up (thanks Taylore). It was a healthy reminder for me and was very good for me to exercise letting go for a week. I really need to do it more often. If you are in a high stress, high demand job, I highly encourage you to unplug, disconnect from time to time. It's good for the soul.