Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Alcohol + Craving Fireworks + Mud = Funny Story for me in my blog!

So, Saturday night I'm getting ready to shut down (about 11:30) and I hear tires spinning behind the tent. I step out and see this 2 wheel drive Chevrolet stuck in the mud right behind my tent. The driver's wife and friend (I learn the connections later) are outside trying to push this truck out of the mud. I, of course, being who I am, say, "Stuck?" They just kind of look at me. For about 5 minutes they push backward then forward trying to get it out. Finally the wife and friend get behind the truck and give one good push just as the driver hammers down on the gas and the mud flies all over the pushers but the truck gets unstuck. I did the best I could to stifle the laughter. I was not very successful. While they wheel into the parking lot I notice something very interesting, there are no tiremarks to the spot they were stuck, only ruts out. This means only one thing--THEY BACKED INTO THE MUD!!! I of course laugh even louder with this revelation. Anyway, I meet them in the tent and learn that the driver is named Joey and the wife is very drunk. They look around a lot. They pick out some stuff, including a MOAB. I get everything up at the register and the drunk wife is too drunk to make a decision. They left. Fastforward to Monday night and they show back up! I asked him if he washed his truck and he just laughed. I asked her if she layed off the Long Island Tea and she got embarassed. Anyway, they ended up buying the MOAB and all was well.

Friday, June 25, 2010

The Heat Goes On...

Well, it is HOTTTT. How is that for a captain obvious statement! This has been quite a week! In less than 6 days I sold two of my listings and will probably write an offer on another home. I also have an investment offer out right now for the bank to look at. All the while, I am sweating my (fill in body part here) off in this tent. I've lost 7.5 pounds since Friday of last week. And I have been hydrating. I just don't want to eat a whole bunch.

Funny Stories from the Tent:
Tracy said that the other night was the night of drunks (a Tuesday of all nights). We had one guy drive his pick up in the dirt behind the tent. She said one guy's breath was so strong she caught a buzz just by talking to him. Said I missed all that.

Today it rained for about 3.5 minutes. Just long enough for me to run around and drop the sides and get soaked. As soon as I was finished with the sides, the sun came out and the humidity went to about 7458920747089%. I then promptly rolled the sides back up and got even wetter because of the sweat and the water that had collected in the vinyl. Joy

We have a groupie! This one little kid has been in here 3 times in the past 2 days. He always buys a little something. Today while the kid was shopping, I took Jonas out to meet his mom. I told her, "I've gotten to know your son, here's mine." She thought that was funny. Turns out, she knows my mom and dad. Go figure.

Real Estate Success--so I figured out the key to kickstarting your real estate business--open a fireworks tent! I have the possibility of making 4 sales in the 2 weeks I have the fireworks tent. I've already made 2 and have one submitted, just waiting on the bank. I will probably have one more in the next few days. Thankfully Tracy has been helping so much at the tent.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Up and Running!

Wow! What a past few days!!

It all started on Friday...We got the initial stages of the tent set up--got the tables and a few other items placed. Then we had an issue with the electrical supply--namely--how to get it to the tent! By 10:30 Friday night we had a plan and half the supplies. We also had some high quality help from Dennis Blair and Gary Rinehart. On Saturday, we all worked the hottest wedding in the history of Tennessee at Bicentennial Mall. It was 95 degrees in the little bit of shade and about 110 on the stone area inside the carillon bells. We had 2 workers (my mom and Kaitlyn Rinehart) get sick from the heat and they had 3 guests fall out (2 during the ceremony!). After it was all over, we all agreed that it was the easiest money we had ever made (jk). During the wedding I had a showing at my place, a showing at my Murfreesboro listing, a showing at my Cane Ridge listing, and another showing at my house scheduled. Then the folks that looked in Murfreesboro scheduled a second showing!

Sunday morning started out with a bang--I received an offer on the Murfreesboro house and had to get my fireworks start order at basically the same time. I got some serious help from my dad and made it happen. We countered the offer and they accepted. Now we are tying up loose ends on the paperwork but it is a bound deal. Dad and I got all the fireworks and took them to the tent. We had a surprise visit by Mr. Joe Sartino. He stuck around for several hours. If you don't know Joe, you are missing out. Quality guy. Sunday evening was ridiculously hot and it was my turn to spend the night. It NEVER got quiet! By 3 AM, I was shivering. Lesson learned, it still gets cold at night--also, bring a pillow!

Monday--I woke up and continued working on the tent. After Tracey got here, I went to the office and got everything turned in for the Murfreesboro offer. We got everything set up and looking good (still working on it a little). At about 5 PM we had our first rush. It was pretty cool. Aside from that, we have some other good stuff brewing. Hopefully I will have an elated post in the next few days.

This has been an interesting experience so far. I have learned a few things for sure--I sometimes overextend myself to the detriment of my family--I missed the better part of Father's Day. I can also be a jerk when I get stressed. I need to remember that just because they will still love me, I don't need to be a jerk to my family. I also have learned that I love to work. I get the most energy from being in productive motion and doing things. I don't like to be stationary. Finally, I have learned that I have a lot of REALLY good, giving, caring people that I call friends and family. And, finally, my wife is freakin awesome and loves me very much, even when I neglect her.

Thursday, June 17, 2010


Wow--hard to believe it is already the middle of June! It has been a crazy month so far--lots of stuff going on.

The month started with a Memorial Day trip to Indianapolis for the 500. That was an awesome time. I really enjoy the time I get to spend with that crew. Tammy's sister and brother in law open up their home for a bunch of crazy folks and show the utmost in hospitality. The race was as usual, hot and loud. You might have seen the terrible wreck at the very end. We were just down the straightaway from it. Crazy.

The next weekend (3 days later actually) a bunch of us went to Pigeon Forge. That was a lot of fun as well as Jonas, Cindy and I got to spend some time with Aunt Greta and Cousin Mandy. We don't get to see them too often so that was really cool. We stayed in an awesome cabin in Sherwood Forest. We went to Dollywood for the first time. It reminded me so much of Opryland. I was sad.

We put our house on the market the day before the trip to Pigeon Forge and have already had 5 showings. That is quite encouraging. Cindy and I found a home in the middle of town we like. It would require some renovation but I think it would be worth it. Activity has also picked up on my other listings. It looks like we are slowly climbing out of this "slump." On that note, I figured out a few things related to my listings. I figured out that the general public can only see hyperlinks that are attached. This presented a problem because I had the "Top 10 Reasons We Love This House" and the lender estimates from Tammy attached to my listings and only Realtors could see them! Though I love letting the Realtors see this info, it is really meant for the public searching on Realtracs. Well, I figured out a way around that! If you want to see it, you will have to check out one of my listings or check out my website http://www.harmonworksharder.com/. I also figured out how to get the voice narration feature to work on v-flyer. For whatever reason, it does not work with my computer/cell phone combination. I ended up recording it all at my parents' house.

Other things occupying my time:
Child Care-- Cindy and I have been trying to figure out a way to save some money on child care. I know we have a pretty good deal anyway but I kind of want to keep Jonas a day or so a week. The problem is that it won't necessarily be the SAME day each week. Hard for the babysitter to plan. Any suggestions would be great.

Coupons--Cindy has resolved to become a coupon queen. She is doing a great job so far. I like it because she is fired up about it and wants me to stay out of the way--no problem! She actually gets upset if she doesn't save enough (apparently less than 35% is shameful!).

College ministry--it is really getting good. Rick and I are starting to really develop our friendship and partnership in the ministry. We have been focused on getting our own accountability group started. We almost have a habit as we've met 2 weeks in a row!

Consider This--Many of you know about Consider This Productions. It is a drama group made up (mostly) of Christians from Smyrna coC. In the past few months I was in the play The Curious Savage and they also put on And Then There Were None. Well, also in the past few months, we have experienced an EXCITING development. We are poised to have our own location--theater, dressing room, etc. Over the past few months I have been helping Barry develop the business plan and run through the numbers to see if it is really feasible. In the meantime, a very generous and influential man in Mufreesboro has seemingly adopted the group. If all goes as it seems it might, we will have a location by January. The daunting task now is to raise the funds necessary to make it a reality. Soooo, we are looking for charter members and benefactors. If you know anyone that might be interested--even if it is just a little--have them contact me. Also, if you know anyone that wants to act or otherwise be involved in the theater (set design, costuming, make up, tech stuff, etc.) have them contact me. If this works out, we will have such a cool place to have plays, talent shows, concerts, classes and all kinds of other cool stuff.

Finally, my first venture into selling fireworks begins tomorrow with us setting up the tent. We will put the explosives in the tent on Sunday and be open for business on Monday. If you want some small, personal explosives, be sure to check us out. I promise to give you a good deal (and some free stuff!). Our tent is on Almaville Road right next to I-24. It is a Fireworks Supermarket tent. I am excited about it. I think I have a good crew helping out and will have a lot of fun. Come check it out.

Well, I am off to make some teriyaki chicken with Omni Hut sauce (YUMMMMMMM).